Flutter UI Challenges compilation live document
Flutter is having a good adoption from the community of developers interested in find a way to create efficient and beautiful apps with a single code base.
Truly multiplatform: The Holy Grail of mobile development.
So, as the technology evolves, the users experience become an important part of any digital project and here is where Flutter give us a nice and powerful developer experience due its Declarative UI instead of Imperative UI used by other frameworks.
But… this article is not intended to convince you about using Flutter, instead as the title says, this is a live document where I want to include all the UI Challenges made in Flutter I found as a friendly reference.
Feel free to suggest any challenge you created or find in the comments below. Been said this, here is the list:
UI Challenges
- https://github.com/Solido/awesome-flutter/blob/master/README.md
- https://itsallwidgets.com/flutter-app/flutter-ui-challenges
- https://github.com/topics/flutter-ui-challenges
- https://hackernoon.com/flutter-slack-redesign-challenge-what-i-learnt-from-it-ef3719fa1d3f
- https://flutterappdev.com/2018/12/26/the-gorgeous-flutter-ui-login-flutter-app-development/
- https://flutterappdev.com/2019/01/13/trying-to-replicate-various-app-uis-in-flutter/
- https://diveintoflutter.blogspot.com/2019/05/flutter-uplabs-login-ui-design.html
- https://uiflutter.com/ui/a-flutter-ui-challenge-building-a-planets-app.html
- https://fidev.io/ui-challenge-flight-search/
- https://flutterarsenal.com/projects/fa-git-flutter-challenges
Know any other Challenge? Share it in the comments!